Thursday, December 25, 2014

a very old wizard (hey j.k. rowling i beat you to it, we all know nicholas flamel is santa......don't you?)

a very old wizard

in the northernmost polar region a castle of warmth and enchantments is nestled.  in it resides a wizard known to some, but not all.  his name is a limerick, a memory, a spell and is summoned by a thousand tongues. 

he lives not alone, for a women it's told, she bakes for the wizard while his magic unfolds.  this witch of a woman has many spells of her own and summons his love with puddings and gingerbread.  their children all clad quite the same, pointed ears and a language unknown. 

these magical folk, labor in unparalleled time, so the ordinary can grasp something real.  the young and the old, it is said of those who believe will rise from their beds, and a gift from him lay await one day of each year.  a day where grief and horror is pushed back by cheer. 

the old wizard is steadfast despite his old age, and a flash of the red of his cloak goes unnoticed as greed filled dreams cloud minds of the receivers when it comes to his good deeds.  

but guilt will go unrequited, for he returns each year, it is the price he must pay for immortality.  if  kindness is something you wish to give in return, a simple gesture, nothing absurd, a beverage of something pleasing to most, a thank you baked in a cake and frosted with pleasantries.  whether imagined or welcomed, hitched to reindeer or traveling by flue, this wizened wizard of sorts has something for you. 

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