Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday ramblings.....

I am a plagiarist, because I did not create the words I use to sew myself anew.  And what of my feelings, did I borrow that manifest as well?  What little space I occupy, as if I could go unnoticed, in all of time and space.
Each written piece, a message, a new star, shining in darkness, waiting to be noticed.
It’s been a week since the moment, a singular moment, now a memory.  I’ve almost forgotten you.  
What good is an instant that does not last, what good is the future when the past is forgotten.
A headless man with a role to play, and a fan with a train ticket.  What a cumbersome thing, the nothingness.   
Shall I seek a doctor to ease my woe, or bear my burden as always.  
Never more than a plea, never more than pages with words, unsolicited stories that aren’t often heard.  
Fathers, grandfathers, and lovers, what of them, if nothing is gained for the woman.  
My heart is truly bigger on the inside, and my mind is a universe of its own kind.  

I do not kneel or pray.  The air is plentiful and the wind is kind, renown come whispering by.  

Friday, July 7, 2017

mid summer plea

Two weeks have passed, Two weeks of bliss, stressful bliss, attempting to bring myself back to life.

My eyes have read two more novels and my hands have written far less pages.

The fibers of my pillow should be summoned, for in them, endless stories are embedded, it's where I lay my head that the thoughts linger.

The rain is constant and time ticks, but only if I listen, I am listening, and reading, and writing, and breathing.

The yearly plea is once again upon me, don't go back, stay, don't die in a classroom where there is nothing to teach and no one that listens to the stories.  And when I go back, we will both forget who I am, so in these words find me, and if you are kind, read them to me.    

Friday, June 16, 2017

today's ELA lesson

If you mess with the English teacher you may just get a lesson!  If you learn anything from the lesson....well I'll just put that responsibility on you, here we go!

Please refer to Language in Thought and Action chapter 3 (Hayakawa) for a complete summary of this report I'm about to issue with moments of inferences and judgments aligned!

Wasted ink and a lifelong fan

Thank you for enlarging an image of my face that was so familiar to me

I recognized myself, for I am me, but you are entirely something else

One that feels a need, of what I cannot comprehend

I bleed ink, so your love letter was written in blood, you stink of it

My mouth and mind have always aligned and words written often entwine.  I apologize for the rhyming scheme, but if I strike too much prose, you'd be lost

The ink has dried and the truth still stands......

Curious, although not quite enough to care, but what was it you hoped for at best?

Malice has turned into something else, and you are what that something else will consume

I have already forgotten you

Yours Forever Truly-

Currer Bell