Friday, April 10, 2015

parents teachers anyone who thinks school administration could use a good swift ass kicking read this!

Sassafras kiss my ass…..


all day I babysat a bunch of 5th graders…..and a majority of the other so called adults in the building suggested I write the teacher a note about them….so here it is…


your lot of blossoming eleven year olds don't have any real consequences to face and this is an awkward time for them and a wonderful turn of events in their lives is about to take place…as they move on to middle school, they won't be treated like infants anymore…..

as for the foul mouth rude little bastards creeping around in here…well shit is about to get real…when they put their hands on another student or use that offensive language…a trip to the principal's office will become a nightmare…..and a dream come true to those that put up with these types….mostly their classmates!

I'm sorry that you are not given the freedom of rewarding and disciplining these young creatures that you deserve…..little squares of paper with smiley faces and idle threats serve them nothing but a great injustice….and you as well……

So it was loud…..but we didn't complain when the second graders down the hall were singing some stupid god damn song…..over and over again…

The door was shut for the majority of the day….not because the kids were so loud and out of control…but so we wouldn't have to put up with the bother of opinions on this matter….

The school year is nearly over and they still have to watch the dreaded video about puberty…..god help them in that moment of insurmountable immaturity that will arise in them….ironically….

They all maintain some potential….yes even the one the art teacher complained about for the duration of the lesson……

I had a headache by the end of the day….didn't really bother me much I took a pill and besides it was Friday today….they've had their fill of being institutionalized for an entire week again……

One last thing… can I ever be taken seriously if I'm only a guest teacher and these kids aren't made to respect any teacher….curious…I guess……and my note of utter dismay….who would even care…..and the children….by god please don't take away their recess because they need that free time during the day……

The fault lies not with you…I think you're amazing……you've done a lot with these monsters…

I'm sure you and I can agree where we should point our finger…..and let's make it the middle one…..hope you enjoyed your day off….i'm grateful for the crap pay…..i really didn't have anything else to do today...

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