Alana of the East and the Shadow Beast by C.C. Lewia
Published July 23, 2013 by Createspace ISBN:
9781491005194 (paperback edition)
ASIN: B00EMI9WH8 (kindle edition)
Createspace link to purchase:
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Water and land gods clash while uncommon people suffer and
prevail in this story with a female character at the helm.

Alana is a strong female character that overcomes
many hardships and stays the course for being brave and enduring evils to make
the world a better place. She shows
compassion for those that are her foes and holds nature in high respect. She is a skilled leader and people follow her
because she is their chosen leader.
Sword play and archery are just accessories for this character who rides
through the world dragon back in the direction of her future, which she does
not fear.

C.C. Lewia has a passion for storytelling and she
herself is a strong female character.
Her first book Alana of the East
and the Shadow Beast is an accomplishment and the first in her writing
career. Her writing career will blossom
with each year that passes; she does not confine herself to one genre of
storytelling and has many stories to tell, all which will reverberate from her
Follow C.C. Lewia on Twitter @cclewia
And read her blog here:
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