Thursday, October 29, 2015

wrote this in january and never posted here you can have it now....

for 23 days a very busy spider has been spinning her web....
not to be confused with the very busy spider of course....
sticky and tangled words can often collide.......
but who claims ownership......none have claim.....all have claim....or so said legolas without his wig....
off i go find who i truly am......
the darkness is luminescent

the shadow of who i used to be....

i used to be a writer, but they took away my hands....

i used to sing stories, so they cut out my tongue.........

i used to read books and drift off into other places, but they stitched my eyes closed

the pain carried me until i stumbled upon my hands...

my tongue grew back like a venomous snake and i lashed out with it....

i tore the stitching from my eyes and used it as a rope to free myself....

and now i will make them pay...for all they have done, only they aren't real and when i strike i look like a fool swatting the air.....