Friday, February 6, 2015

haven't blogged since 2014.........not sure this makes up for it....

'Bitch, what do you do for fun?'


well for starters....i'm not even sure...did you just call me maybe not...i'm not feeling're messed up chick....

any way.....i blog sometimes...but not in a while....writing a new book....that's where my heart i'm dead right now talking to you......

excuse me...but the jack rabbit that lives in my eyelid is stirring.......

hold on a moment.....i'm having a vision about the near future...or is it the past.....this school, this classroom...this program is going to hell........are you the usher?

o.k. bitch...i'm tired and like i said or didn' doesn't include the likes of i'm out...peace

by the way sorry if i sound like a bitch.....but i just thought....well you know.....i'd play the did cast me as the bitch.....didn't you?